Our Vision 


Our Mission




Grow the understanding of the impact of our food choices on our health, the environment, our economy and our community.


Increase the accessibility, equity and production of local foods.


Provide educational programs to collectively strengthen our food skills.


Work with community and regional organizations to facilitate and promote food initiatives.


Build the stability of our organization and our programs.


Our Values

We value the importance of food for our ability to thrive individually, and as a community

We value the ability and power of food to bring us together

We value local food producers and we celebrate their efforts

We value healthy and regenerative soils

We value integrity and professionalism in our programs

We value open and genuine conversations and an inclusive environment

We value the power of community to learn and grow together

We acknowledge that equity and accessibility are imperative to a sustainable food system

We acknowledge that the LFI is on the learning journey too

Our History

The LFI formed as a committee of the North Columbia Environmental Society in 2010 with the creation of the Downtown Community Garden and the Garden Guru Series. The committee grew in numbers, activities and capacity until it was time to break off and form our own society in 2015.

Food Security

Food Security, a term that encompasses our access to healthy, sustainable and affordable food, has become an important topic in recent years. There is a growing trend towards all things local, fresh and home-grown. The LFI sees the potential to nurture this trend as it benefits our health, our economy, our earth and our culture. Through education, facilitation and advocacy we will empower the community to enhance local food production and utilization.

The Food Security Coordinator (a role with the LFI since August 2024) works to implement recommendations from the Revelstoke Food Security Strategy 2022 in an effort to increase food security in our community. Food Security exists when all people, at all times, have access to safe, affordable, nutritious foods to meet their needs. The recommendations in the Food Security Strategy 2022 include programs, policies and economic opportunities to strengthen our local food system.

The Food Security Coordinator works with an advisory committee to set priorities and workplans. Funding for this position is provided through Interior Health, Columbia Basin Trust and the City of Revelstoke. 

The Local Food Initiative

In 2013 the LFI developed the Revelstoke Food Charter in collaboration with the City of Revelstoke Department of Community Economic Development and a steering group made up of local residents and specialists in food security. This was followed by the development of the Revelstoke Food Security Strategy which identified gaps and made recommendations for different groups to enhance the food security of this isolated mountain town. The LFI uses these documents as well as our strategic planning to guide our initiatives and behind-the-scenes work.

Food Security Work in Revelstoke-page-001.jpg

We Are Here to Celebrate Local Food

In response to current discussions about the annexation of ALR land into the City of Revelstoke, the Revelstoke Local Food Initiative, in accordance with its mission to cultivate a vibrant, resilient food system, wishes to remind citizens and municipal personnel of statements within the Revelstoke Food Charter, which was ratified by City Council:

"...We are committed to strengthening our food security to support the economic, ecological and social well-being of the community..."

"To create a Just and Sustainable food system we can:

- Consider potential impacts on food security in all government, business and personal decisions

- Help to preserve regional farmlands and increase use of arable land for sustainable food production

- Support local and regional farmers and food producers"

The LFI sees its role as educating, supporting, and celebrating those who grow food locally. The LFI would like to see actions that reflect the commitment to this charter, made in the spirit of improving Revelstoke's local food security.

We are not only what we eat, but how we eat, too.
— Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals

Strategic Plans

Annual General Meeting Report

 President's Reports


Society Information