Vendor applications now available for the Summer season 2025!
Market policies 2024/25 are available here
For the upcoming summer season we are switching to a different market management platform. You can simply apply using this link
If you have questions, first please review the market profile on and then message the market manager via email at
Vendor applications for the winter season 2024/25 are still open!
Market policies 2024/25 are available here
If you don't have a profile already go to and start by entering your details and add products. Then apply to the market by answering a few short questions and upload all required documents.
for all the vendors who already have a profile: log in to and go to "My Markets" where you'll see this year's application form.
Primary producers
Produce Vendors can sell items that they grow, produce or forage themselves.
Prepared food & alcohol
Here are some steps to get your product ready before applying:
Take your Market safe or Food safe level 1 course
review the guide for sale at temporary food markets
book a community kitchen if your product is considered high risk
think about packaging and labeling
Get liability insurance
Alcohol producers need to apply for a special event permit
Find more resources on the website of the BC farmers market association
Art & craft vendors
All crafts must be handmade from materials that have been significantly altered in a way that makes the item unique.
Community groups
Please reach out to the market manager to book your spot, no application necessary!
Vendor ressources
Vendor liability insurance
Duuo Insurance offers affordable short-term insurance coverage that meets our requirements. Get set-up in minutes by clicking HERE.
Business planning and advice
Startup Revelstoke assists entrepreneurs at any stage of their project. Come to the monthly meet-ups or reach out to Carolyn Gibson, she’s awesome!
Community futures Revelstoke is offering a micro-loan of up to $10.000 to vendors to get them started at the farmers market. For more details click here.
Food safety
There is a handy guide categorizing food in high and low risk products and outlining the required documentation. For the guide click here or contact the Interior Health Office in Salmon Arm.
Market policies
the market polices are available via ManageMyMarket or click here for Summer policies or Winter policies.
BC Farmers Market Association
BCAFM provides lots of resources for vendors regarding marketing, insurance statistics and more.
Kootenay Boundary Farm Advisors
The Kootenay & Boundary Farm Advisors (KBFA) is an agricultural extension program that provides producers with free, technical production support and information.
Community Connections - The Neighborhood Kitchen
The Neighborhood Kitchen is Revelstokes’ new commercial rental kitchen.
Columbia Basin Trust
Columbia Basin Trust CBT offers business advice and wide variety of grants.
The Farmers Market Pros
Great podcast and lots of information for vendors. Check it out here!