$10 for LFI members
$15 for non members
Tour number one of the LFI's Summer Farm Tour Series is to Greenslide Cattle Co. and Terra Firma Farms!
We will start the tour by meeting at the Revelstoke Recreation Center 600 Campbell Ave to board the shuttle for 5:30 pm. Then we will travel to Greenslide to see their cattle and pigs followed by Terra Firma where refreshments complimentary of Monashee Distillery will be served up in a local based cocktail (or Kombucha). Snacks + local veggies will also be provided.
Bring bug spray and wear good shoes to walk around the farms with. We will have water and snacks for the shuttle. Please let the canine friends sit this one out. Tickets are available at Big Mountain Kitchen + Linen
For more information check out our facebook event!